Mechanical Actors:
an introduction to my phd research
"What are they?" I hear you ask.
Well, they are exactly as described: actors who are mechanical, such as an android or robot. My currently-in-progress PhD is entirely dedicated to researching the potential, the challenges, and the morality of mechanical actors, specifically androids.
However, I must make a clear definition between androids and robots as it is important.
A robot is a machine which does not possess human morphology. An android is a machine which does.
Erica, a Japanese android, soon to star in movie 'b'
Johnny 5, from Short Circuit (1986)
Robots can be in the shape of a human, but lack the morphology: eyes, mouth, nose, hair, etc.
Robots and androids are no strangers to movies or the stage. But they are always played by humans.
Erica, pictured above, is soon to star in a new sci-fi movie called 'b'. A real life android playing an android in a movie. No make up or special effects here. So by this logic, surely it is not in the realm of impossibility to imagine androids taking to the stage as themselves?
Live theatre and film are different in so many, many ways - but a biggie is there is no editing when on stage, and the audience are present during the action.
Is it possible for an audience to emotionally connect with an android? What would it take for this to happen? These are two big questions in my research.
Connecting emotionally with a human (even if they are playing an android) VS an actual android has its own unique set of challenges, which will differ between societies. Event Kryten, (pictured right) still looks more "human" than Erica.
I personally think it's because of their eyes. They are the window to the soul, as they say.
Erica is a Japanese android made to look like a typical Japanese woman. Sophia is an American android made to look like a typical American woman.
What would a British android look like?
Kat Slater?
These ideas (well... not Kat Slater) are at the heart of my research. So what do I plan to do about it?
Create an android (yes, really)
Write and stage work relevant to my theories
Gather relevant data
To keep up with the progression of my research and stuff... be sure to check my blog.
Kryten, from Red Dwarf (1988 - present)